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Self-Empowerment for Creative Entrepreneurs

Keeping Your Sanity in Peaceful Working Order,
Both in Your Personal Life,
as well as Your Career...

Who Are You and What Are You All About?

From the Professor's New Book,
"God Didn't Create Alarm Clocks"

By Professor Pooch
© David J. Spangenberg

OK, so you know you can create amazing things… Or, you see yourself being drawn to the Business or Legal sides of the Industry. Now what?

Drifting along with the tide to see where it takes you, sometimes, but rarely, works. More often you end up bouncing off the walls, hung up on snags, going nowhere, subject to the varying currents of life.

What you need is a game plan, with goals and a timetable. But, before you can establish these, you need to know who you are, and what you are about.

It's necessary to take a good, critical look at yourself. You must go deep, to the deepest place inside of you, to find your picture of whom and what you are. You must ask yourself questions and come up with imaginary images and imaginary roles - actually picture yourself in these situations and try them on for size.

How do these images and roles actually “feel” to you? That is, what’s your immediate gut-feeling? You must be honest, for you can only hurt yourself as well as waste a lot of time and effort by playing the game falsely.

1st, list all the possible roles involved in creating the products or projects you wish to be involved in.

- What are your creative goals?

- Do you want to really stand out, like be a solo Performer, a “Star,” or would you prefer a lower profile?

- Do you want to join, or form, a team to work on projects and products?

- Do you want to appear in front of a live audience, or not perform live?

- Would you prefer to appear in private or public places?

- Would you prefer intimate surroundings or rip-roaring excitement or something in-between?

- Do you want to “appear” personally, locally, regionally, nationally, or internationally?

- Do any of these images and roles feel right for you - or wrong for you?

- Will any of the above make you happy?

- Do you honestly want to move forward with your career?

- Do you have the necessary 'drive'?

- Would you be happier 'behind the scenes’?

- Are you more comfortable and better suited for the Creative side, or would you be happier with the Business or Legal end?

- Would you rather be a Manager-type person for a product, or person, where you would guide them or do business with them...

- What are your financial wants and needs?

Quite a lot to consider carefully and honestly, isn't it? It's no overnight process, but something you should think through carefully. You should answer these questions before you proceed with your career.

By using forethought, you save time, energy, and money. You'll avoid wrong turns and apply yourself to doing what you want to do, going where you want to go. Getting underway is always better than standing still, and you do need to get moving!

Yes, all things can change with time, and so may you, including your goals, and what you feel. But meanwhile, use these answers to get in motion. You don't have to regard them as permanent, unchangeable, or engraved in stone. They are an effective tool to start the ball rolling in the right direction.

As you progress, you will find your own personal ways of expression. It will happen naturally - once you're in motion.

In the meantime, getting yourself underway will enable you to survive. What you do today and tomorrow to put food on the table and pay the bills is not what you may be required to do for the rest of your life. It may only be temporary. But, with a great game plan, derived from knowing yourself and what you want, you can gradually work towards success.

Practically anything you dream of is possible if you believe it possible, go about it in the right way, work smartly towards it, and take the time necessary to do it right.

“Overnight success” is the stuff of fairy tales. All of a sudden, true, a new “star” appears, and it seems to be an overnight thing, but if you dig into the details, you'll usually find a long period of working hard, paying dues, and struggling to survive behind the success.

A great example: The most successful Musical Group in history, “the Beatles,” worked hard for seven years, sometimes playing long hours seven days a week before they “magically appeared!”

Learn the art of patience as you set small goals along the way. Make each goal a little bigger than the last one and work hard to achieve it. Each goal you reach will give you satisfaction, demonstrate progress, and build the confidence and drive you need to get where you want to go.

So, get on your way!

Note: If You have any questions about, or need more personalized guidance with your career, I am here for You! Please Email: GDCAC@professorpooch.com

Gain highly valuable insight into yourself and others,
as well as the all-important career knowledge
to deal with any and everyone who will appear
in either your personal life or your career.

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God Didn't Create Alarm Clocks

God Didn't Create Alarm Clocks

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