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God Didn't Create Alarm Clocks

Professor Pooch's Philosophy of Life on Earth
for Creative Entrepreneurs

God Didn't Create Alarm Clocks

Written by David J. Spangenberg (Professor Pooch) This Self-Improvement Book is Both a Personal Development and Career Survival Kit for All Who Would Like to Retain Some Semblance of Sanity in Their Life

"I truly believe this Book can Transform You and Your Way of Looking at the World, Giving You a Big Boost, Personally, as well as with Your Career..."
- Professor Pooch

Delivered in Both Text & Audio together for one low price, and can be streamed and/or downloaded.

About the e-Book

God Didn't Create Alarm Clocks is an inspiring, but down-to-Earth e-Book, lovingly presented, in Easy-to-Understand "People-Talk" by David J. Spangenberg, popularly known as "Professor Pooch" in the Arts World.

This is Professor Pooch's Philosophy of Life on Earth for Creative Entrepreneurs. It is Both a Personal Development & Career Survival Kit, for All Who Would Like to Retain Some Semblance of Sanity in Their Life, whether it be on the Creative, Business &/or Legal ends of the Arts & Entertainment World.

A good deal of this e-book has been written around the Professor's bits and sayings that have been dubbed "Poochisms." These short and to-the-point pieces will enable the reader to gain highly valuable insight into themselves and others, while helping them gain the necessary confidence to successfully raise themselves up, as well as deal with any and every one that will appear in their personal life, as well as their careers.

Whether your interest lies on the Creative, Business, or Legal side(s) of the Arts, this e-book will show you, How to... Get in, Survive, and Succeed in the Arts and Entertainment Industry - while Staying Safe, Secure, and Most Importantly, Sane, throughout the entire process.

God Didn't Create Alarm Clocks is delivered in Both Text and Audio versions, and can be Downloaded and/or Streamed.


Section 1

For You, as a Human Being on Planet Earth...

Here's to Keeping Your Sanity in Peaceful Working Order
Both in Your Personal Life.
as well as
Your Creative Career

Section 2

The Road to Career Success...

As an Individual
Part of a Team

Section 3

For Your Protection...

Contract & Copyright Law Basics for
All Creatives and Their Products & Projects
in the Arts & Entertainment World

What Are the Benefits of Reading This Book?

  • You’ll understand yourself better. Therefore...
  • You’ll understand others better, in your personal life, as well as your career.
  • You’ll know and understand the necessary business end of being an entrepreneur.
  • You’ll know how to deal with other people & personalities you’ll run into along your career path, and be able to deal with them productively, as well as peacefully.
  • You’ll know and understand the necessary basics of entertainment law. Therefore...
  • You’ll know when people are trying to take advantage of you. Therefore
  • You’ll be able to protect yourself when dealing with others.
  • You’ll realize that you’re in much better shape than you thought you were. Therefore...
  • You’ll be able to bring out the best in you, both as a person, as well as an entrepreneur.
  • Most importantly, You’ll be confident and ready for anything in your life, as well as your career...

When you finish taking in the whole book, read it again. Or just jump in on any page, for your “Daily Inspiration” (or “Kick-in-the-butt!”) – Most pages have their own topic...

Who Is Professor Pooch

The Professor has been full-time in the Arts his whole life, including 50 years in the Music Business, and 25 years in Video & Film, and for the last 35 years, Guiding Careers as an Advisor, Educator, and Author, While Also Acting As a Consultant and Entertainment Contract Specialist.

Why Alarm Clocks?

To Professor Pooch, alarm clocks are a symbol of the outdated beliefs and conditioning that have been passed on to us through the generations, and that are still adhered to. They are a symbol of what the "Industrial Age" has turned us into, and how society still latches on to the past, although it's not necessarily who we are or want to be in the 21st-century. It's time to adapt ourselves to the rapidly evolving "Digital Age," where we can regain control over our own lives.

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For those into the Musical end of the Arts...

You can now receive the Author's Entire DIY "Music Business Education Curriculum" along with "God Didn't Create Alarm Clocks" for an amazingly low price!

Music Business Education Curriculum

Learn More...

God Didn't Create Alarm Clocks

Available on AMAZON in both KINDLE & Paperback editions!

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